How to rewrite your program and be the best you

Unlocking Your Potential: Small Steps to a Monumental Transformation

Cosmin Firta
6 min readDec 22, 2023
Photo by Alexander Grey:

Let’s dive into a topic that’s as intriguing as finding an extra fry at the bottom of your fast-food bag — rewriting your personal program to become the best version of yourself. Now, I’m not talking about morphing into Iron Man overnight (though, wouldn’t that be cool?), but about those subtle yet powerful changes that turn life’s ‘meh’ moments into a series of high-fives.

The Great Procrastination Puzzle

Let’s tackle a head-scratcher: why do smart people procrastinate? It’s like having a supercomputer but using it to play old-school Tetris. Take my experience with ‘Operation: Organize Desk.’ It was meant to be a quick tidy-up, but soon I was deep in a sea of forgotten doodles, like a pirate uncovering buried treasure, except it was just old grocery lists.

Procrastination is like our brain’s version of a cat chasing a laser pointer — aimlessly darting from one distraction to another. The trick? Break down daunting tasks into tiny, more ‘fun-sized’ challenges. Instead of writing the next bestseller in a day, aim to pen down a witty paragraph. Remember, conquering procrastination is less about a grand leap and more about baby steps. Every small victory is…



Cosmin Firta

A father and person. I strive for strength and hope for equality. I see the light in you and us and try be brighten it